Protect Your Property From Dangerous Rats

Rely on our specialists for rat removal services

While domesticated rats may make good pets, wild rats carry diseases and can damage your property if left to run rampant. It's important to turn to Wild Things, LLC as soon as you discover a rat infestation on your property. Our specialists have extensive experience trapping and removing rats.

You can count on us to get the job done safely and efficiently for your peace of mind. Call 346-386-7410 today to reserve rat removal services.

We offer comprehensive rodent control services

No matter how severe a rodent problem you are dealing with, the specialists at Wild Things can handle the job with precision and skill. You can hire us for:

  • Rat trapping services
  • Rat exclusion services
  • Rat removal services
  • Rat remediation services
  • Chemical sanitation services
We will not call the job finished until your property is sanitary and completely rodent-free. Discuss your rodent removal project with our specialists today.